OLT – Old Testament

OLT 123 – Old Testament Survey: 3 credits

A study of the historical settings, literary features, authorship, theological teachings, and general content of the books of the Hebrew Bible. This survey provides a factual and practical groundwork for further studies in the Old Testament.

OLT 213 – Pentateuch: 3 credits

A study of the first five books of the Old Testament. Special attention is given to sacred history, the Mosaic laws, ethical and moral values, and the creation of a people of God.

Prerequisite: OLT 123

OLT 303 – Historical Books: 3 credits

A study of the books of Joshua through Esther tracing the development of Israel into a kingdom and its subsequent dissolution. Attention is given to the theme of each book and the lessons derived from the relations of the ruler with God.

Prerequisite: OLT 123

OLT 313 – Psalms & Wisdom Literature: 3 credits

A study of the books of Job through Song of Solomon with special emphasis on Psalms. Methods of studying Hebrew poetry are learned along with the values of each book for theology, worship and everyday life. 

Prerequisite: OLT 123

OLT 323 – Isaiah: 3 credits

An exegetical study of this prophetic book with an emphasis on its historical setting, literary qualities and theological teachings. The Christological prophecies in Isaiah and their fulfillment in the New Testament are highlighted.

Prerequisite: OLT 123

OLT 333 – Jeremiah: 3 credits

A study of the life and prophecies of Jeremiah emphasizing its historical setting and fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecies. The book of Lamentations will be studied in its relationship to the book of Jeremiah.

Prerequisite: OLT 123

OLT 343 – Ezekiel: 3 credits

A study of the genre, organization and content of the prophecies of the book with respect to Ezekiel’s exilic setting and ministry. The theology, practical truths and prophetic teachings of the book are emphasized.

Prerequisite: OLT 123

OLT 353 – Minor Prophets: 3 credits

A study of the books from Hosea through Malachi. The historical, prophetical and practical values of each book are emphasized.

Prerequisite: OLT 123

OLT 491, 492 and 493 – Topics in Old Testament: 1-3 credits

Special topics of varied interest are offered as needed and as resources permit.

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