SPT – Sport Management 

SPT 100 – Introduction to Sport Management: 3 credits

This introductory level course provides students with the foundations of sport management and the structure of the sport industry. In addition, this course will highlight the scope and variety of potential career opportunities in the sport industry. Attention will be given to the issues facing sports organizations and the use of management techniques to solve business-related problems.

SPT 123 – Sport & Society: 3 credits

This course provides students with a basis for understanding the sport industry and the broader economic, political, religious, cultural, ethnic, and social systems that apply to the world of sports. Students will gain an understanding of cultural, gender and socioeconomic diversity issues as they relate to teams, sports institutions, and the role of sports in modern society.

SPT 200 – Sport Facility & Event Management: 3 credits

This course examines the principles of facility operations and event management in the sport and entertainment management industry, focusing on the applications of facility operations and event management principles and concepts, for organizations in professional, collegiate, and Olympic sports. This class provides students with an in-depth investigation of the unique challenges and opportunities that are routinely faced by a business manager in the context of events at sport and entertainment venues.

Prerequisites: SPT 100

SPT 223 – Sport Management Practicum: 3 credits

The practicum integrates coursework with 100 hours of supervised.

SPT 230 – Sport Ethics: 3 credits

This course offers an introduction to ethics within the sporting context. The values promoted within sports will be examined along with common ethical dilemmas faced by those involved in this complex field. The course will cover issues such as fair play, sportsmanship, Title IX, and performance enhancement. The value of sports and their moral significance will be examined within the context of ethical decision-making. This course is intended to develop and foster critical thinking skills, as well as the learning and understanding of the philosophical and ethical background of sport. The utilization of case studies will assist students to improve written and verbal communication skills as well as presentation and deliberation.

Prerequisites: SPT 123 and PHL 113

SPT 310 – Marketing & Promotions in the Sport Industry: 3 credits

This course provides an overview of the principles and practices of promotions and marketing in the sport industry. Topics include sport marketing planning, market segmentation and identification of target markets, and sport marketing mix. The course will examine the issues of sponsorship, endorsements, and community and public relations. The course is an examination of sports as a social institution and of the interactive impact of sports and society.

Prerequisites: SPT 100 and BUS 200

SPT 320 – Sport Psychology: 3 credits

This course studies the physical, affective, and cognitive behaviors associated with sport participation along with the psychological theories and research related to sport and exercise behavior. The course provides a broad overview of the major topics in the field including the history of sport and exercise psychology, leadership, self-confidence, personality, psychology of the fan, youth sports, aggression, moral development, team dynamics, anxiety and arousal, goal-setting, imagery, and motivation. These topics are examined to increase the student’s understanding of the psychological makeup of athletes, and how psychological factors influence involvement and performance in sport.

Prerequisites: SPT 100, SPT 123 and PSY 223

SPT 323 – Sport Communications: 3 credits

This course provides a framework for the various methods individuals, media outlets, and sport organizations use to communicate to constituents. Special attention is given to innovative technology and public relations as effective means of communication. The course will examine communication theory, sport literature, and professional practices of industry leaders

Prerequisites: COM 123 and ENG 123

SPT 340 – Sport Law & Risk Management: 3 credits

This course studies the application of legal principles as considered in relation to professional and amateur sports. Emphasis is placed on tort liabilities and risk management. Specific topics include negligence, duty of care, intentional torts, crowd management, contracts and constitutional law. Case law relating to these principles is examined.

Prerequisites: BUS 253, BUS 313 and SPT 230

SPT 410 – Sport Management Finance: 3 credits

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the major financial issues facing sport managers and the sports industry. An analysis of the following areas will be undertaken: sources of revenue for sports organizations and leagues, a comparison of public and private sector funding in sports, and investment of public resources into private sporting facilities. Budgeting, investment comparisons, and fundraising will also be discussed.

Prerequisites: BUS 213 and MTH 123

SPT 420 – Intercollegiate Athletics: 3 credits

This course is designed to provide a foundational understanding of the various aspects of intercollegiate athletics management. Topic discussions will include the history of college athletics; organizational structure and governance; the NCAA, member institution divisions and conferences; athletic department administration; and responsibilities and management of athletic directors, coaches, and student-athletes.

SPT 430 – Sport Coaching Methodology: 3 credits

This course examines the principles and methods of coaching for the levels of professional, collegiate, interscholastic, and recreational sports. Topics covered include, leadership development, coaching philosophy and ethics, safety and injury prevention during practice and games, developing physical conditioning of athletes, youth players’ growth and development, teaching and communication techniques, methods to improve sports skills and tactics, organization and administration of sport teams, and ways to evaluate the performance of athletes and coaching effectiveness.

SPT 483 – Sport Management Internship: 6 credits

The internship requirement is considered to be one of the most critical components of the Sport Management major. Students will undertake a 450 hour supervised internship during the summer following the junior year. This opportunity is expected to enhance the student’s academic experiences via a required internship reflection paper, weekly reports, supervisor evaluations, student evaluation, as well as provide additional work experience and networking opportunities. Internship experiences may take place in a variety of sport industry settings. Students may obtain internships in any region of the country and in some cases may receive financial compensation. Prerequisites: Senior standing or Business/Sport Management faculty approval.

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