2024-2025 Tuition, Room, Board and Service Fees

The following charges are per semester unless indicated otherwise:


    • 18.5 credit hours or more: $700 per credit hour
    • 12 – 18 credit hours: $11,900
    • 11.5 credit hours or less: $920 per credit hour
    • Summer: $700 per credit hour
    • Online undergraduate: $399 per credit hour
    • Online graduate (Excluding Masters of Music): $545 per credit hour
    • Masters of Music: $435 per credit hour


    • 12 credit hours or more: $590
    • 6 – 11. 5 credit hours: $305
    • 5. 5 credit hours and under: $125
    • Summer: $70




    • Small: Beuttler, Beisel, Damiani, Shelton, and Wells: $2,000
    • Beuttler, Beisel, Damiani, Shelton, and Wells: $2,575
    • Bongiorno Double Occupancy: $3,225
    • Bongiorno Triple Occupancy: $2,650


    • Beuttler, Beisel, Damiani, Shelton, and Wells $3,325


    • Premium Single Occupancy in 32, 33, Beuttler Annex, and DiTrolio: $3,790
    • Single Occupancy in 32, 33, Beuttler Annex, Berkey, and DiTrolio: $3,575
    • Premium Multiple Occupancy in 32, 33, Beuttler Annex, and DiTrolio: $3,350
    • Multiple Occupancy in 32, 33, Beuttler Annex, Berkey, and DiTrolio: $3,195
    • Family Student Housing (plus one-time security deposit equivalent to one month’s rent up to $1,000):  $3,000 – $5,780



    • Unlimited plan (includes $40 PD + $10 UVFSD)*: $2,650
    • 190 meal-block plan (includes $50 PD + $20 UVFSD): $2,450
    • 140 meal-block plan (includes $70 PD + $30 UVFSD): $2,300
    • Patriot Dollars $525 PD + $90 UVFSD (Apartments only): $630

*Freshmen Meal Plan

PD = Patriot Dollars

UVFSD = UVF Store Dollars



    • Enrollment Deposit (due after acceptance): $100
    • $100 (Main Campus)
    • $50 Online (Applies to all graduate and online undergraduate degrees)
    • New Student Orientation Fee (first semester only): $125
    • Technology Fee – On-campus student: $130
    • Online student (per module/per semester): $120/$240
    • Vehicle Registration: $60
    • Guided Individual Study (GIS) Fee (per credit hour + tuition): $125
    • Online Course Fee (per course): $125



    • Applied Music/Instruction Fee: $395 per credit hour plus tuition
    • Change of Program or Major: $20
    • Choir Attire fee: $118 for Concert Choir and University Choir (one time fee)
    • Course/Lab Fee: Varies by course; see course description in catalog
    • Digital Media/Music Production Majors: $280/semester
    • Digital Media / Music Technology Course Fees: $55-$175 (select fees waived for Digital Media Majors/Minors)
    • Enrollment Deposit: $100 due after acceptance acceptance to UVF.  Deposit Fee Online: $50 Online (applies to all graduate and online undergraduate degrees).
    • Family Housing Security Deposit: Equal to one month’s rent (amounts vary)
    • Fines: $10 and up depending on infraction
    • Graduation Fee: $93 (undergraduate), $118 (graduate) to cover basic costs including diploma and academic attire
    • Late Check-In Fee: $60
    • Life Experience Credit: $60 per credit hour and $30 application fee
    • Return Check Fee: $55
    • Student Teaching Fee: $600
    • Transcripts: $10 each
    • Withdrawal from Class Fee: $15 per class

NOTE: All charges listed above are in addition to tuition and are NON- REFUNDABLE, unless mandated by federal refund regulations.



Student account statements will be issued prior to each semester (for fall, beginning of June, for spring, end of November and for summer, the middle of April), identifying charges for tuition, fees, food and housing, and any confirmed financial aid. The outstanding balance will be due before the first day of classes.  Student account information is also available at



Payment in full or a completed financial plan is due before the beginning of each semester (fall semester – August 1, spring semester – December 15, summer semester – April 15). A completed financial plan includes all completed documents, financial aid, and payment plans if necessary. Approval to attend class will be granted when all financial matters have been settled. Students whose accounts are paid in full by August 1 for the fall semester and December 15 for the spring semester may bypass Financial Services check- in. Students who qualify for federal, state and/ or institutional financial aid may use any confirmed financial aid as payment toward their student bills (i. e.  Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Pennsylvania State Grant, Federal Direct student loan, etc.) In order for financial aid to be used to pay educational costs at check-in, all financial aid information should be completed (including any loan applications to be processed or any corrections needed from the student and/or parents) and on file with the Financial Services Office. If not completed, potential aid may not be available at the time of check-in.  If you have not yet applied for financial aid, it is not too late!

To begin, please contact the Financial Services Office at 610-917-1475 or at



If a student’s account becomes delinquent, University of Valley Forge reserves the right to place on hold a student’s registration for future classes until the student’s account balance becomes current. UVF may at any time thereafter suspend, limit, or terminate, access to services; including, without limitation, UVF network access, dining, housing, access to online course material and the UVF learning management system, participation in extracurricular activities, and other services. UVF also reserves the right to require the student to move out of university housing and leave campus.

UVF reserves the right to withhold official grades, transcripts, diplomas, or degrees until full payment is received.

Official Transcripts are not processed if the student has an outstanding student account balance or defaulted federal loan.



Full payment of the outstanding balance or a completed financial plan is due before the first day of classes each semester; payment may be made by check, cash, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover before classes begin. Alternate loans may also be used.


An interest-free monthly payment option is available which allows a semester’s educational costs to be paid in monthly installments. Monthly payments should begin in advance of the academic year based on the student’s estimated costs for each semester. There is no interest to participants who make payments on time. Payments are due to UVF by the 28th of each month. Any missed or late payments will incur a late fee of $25. Payments delinquent for more than a month may incur additional consequences as specified in the Student Responsibilities and Title IV Authorization form. Please contact the Financial Services Office at 610-917-1475 or at for more details or assistance with calculating an annual budget.

*Students who seek to enroll in a payment plan can expect to be charged a one time Enrollment Fee of $50.


To withdraw officially from the University of Valley Forge, a student should complete a Withdrawal From University Form, available in the Student Success Center. Refunds are calculated based on the date of submission of the Withdrawal From University Form to the Student Success Center. Forms must be received by close of business at the end of the week to be included in that week’s rate.

For unofficial withdrawals, per federal regulations, schools are required to review students who received federal financial aid and did not pass any courses. An assessment must be made to determine whether the student earned the non-passing grades while attending courses, or stopped attending courses, but did not officially withdraw. Students who stopped attending courses may be required to repay a portion of the federal financial aid for that semester.

Students who stop attending all classes without officially withdrawing or taking a leave of absence are considered Unofficial Withdrawals and will be subject to a return of federal student aid funds calculation based on the last documented date of attendance or academically related activity as determined by the University of Valley Forge. This date will be used to calculate the potential return of federal student aid per the Federal Title IV return Calculation policy. If no academically related activity can be verified within the term, the last date of attendance will be determined to be the last date of the previous term of enrollment and the student will be withdrawn from the university in our student information system. Additional details related to this policy can be found on

If a student withdraws or is dismissed from UVF, any amount owed to the college is immediately due and payable.  Reduction of charges and any refunds are subject to the policy and chart below. Withdrawal/termination may result in financial aid being returned, as specified below.



After a withdrawal form is received, refunds of tuition, food, and housing are calculated based on the week of withdrawal and the semester or term using the tables below.  No refunds will be given after the fifth full week of classes for regular semesters and the third full week of classes for 7-week sub terms. Charges for fees are not refundable.  All refunds are less any amount owed to the University.






Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


*Refunds for students receiving Title IV funds will be subject to the Federal Title IV Return Policy.





Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


*Refunds for students receiving Title IV funds will be subject to the Federal Title IV Return Policy.



Refunds of family student housing deposits will be given as follows:

    • Students attending but withdrawing during the semester will receive the unused (no damage) portion of the deposit.
    • Students who decide not to attend and notify Residence Life 30 days prior to the start of the semester will receive the entire deposit.
    • Students who decide not to attend and do not notify Residence Life 30 days prior to the start of the semester will not be eligible to receive any of their deposit.



If you are a recipient of federal financial aid, the Department of Education requires a federal calculation to be used to determine refund amounts to be paid back to the financial aid programs and to you.

The amount of Title IV funds earned is computed by taking the number of calendar days completed divided by the calendar days in the semester. If the resulting percentage is 60% or more, then 100% of the funds are deemed to have been earned and no return of Title IV funds is required. If the resulting percentage is less than 60%, then the percentage is subtracted from 100% and multiplied by the Title IV funds received. (i. e. , 40 days completed divided by 100 days in the term equals 40%. Forty percent from 100% requires 60% of the Title IV aid to be returned).

The return calculations must be completed within 30 days of the Date of Determination. The University must return any unearned aid to the federal government. Overall, all funds will be returned to the government within 45 days of the Date of Determination.

Any Title IV funds earned by the student (after he or she withdrawals), but not yet disbursed, will be reviewed. Grants must be disbursed within 45 days. Eligible loan funds must be offered to the student within 30 days, allowing the student at least 14 days to respond to accept or decline the funds.

All post-withdrawal disbursements are then applied to the student’s account. The financial services office will review and resolve each credit balance consistent with the policy, applicable regulations, and the completed authorization from the student (if applicable). If a credit balance is generated, it must be disbursed as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after the calculation of R2T4.

If the R2T4 calculation results in an amount to be returned to the federal government that exceeds the school’s portion, the student must repay grant overpayment to UVF within 45 days of notification of overpayment. Grant overpayments not paid to UVF within 45 days will be reported to the Department of Education and the student will be ineligible for future Title IV aid until the overpayment is resolved or repayment arrangements are made with the Department of Education.

Students who withdraw who are neither eligible nor receiving Federal Title IV aid will be subject to the Withdrawal/Termination Refund Policy only. (See chart)




    • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
    • Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
    • Federal Direct PLUS Loan
    • Federal Pell Grant
    • Federal SEOG
    • TEACH Grant
    • Federal ACG
    • Other federal, state and private aid
    • The Student



All institutional aid gifted directly by the UVF is also subject to the proration policy relating to Title IV financial aid. No refunds will be made to a student due to modification or adjustment of such direct institutional awards. Institutional aid cannot exceed all tuition charges. Institutional discounts are for fall and spring semesters only.

All other aid, including but not limited to state aid, outside scholarships, etc. may be returned in accordance with the issuing organization’s policy. Upon notice of withdrawal, UVF may contact any issuing organization to determine if and how funds should be returned.



Full coverage health insurance is not available through the college. It is recommended that each student review dependent health coverage (parental health insurance) to see if such coverage continues while the student is attending college. The university can suggest an insurance carrier that that will offer primary or supplemental insurance coverage.

The supplemental coverage is not full coverage, but is designed to supplement an existing policy. The student must provide proof of health insurance at the time of registration or sign a waiver indicating they do not have health insurance. Information is available from the Human Resource Office.



University of Valley Forge’s Financial Services Office provides personal budget counseling. A personalized plan working with a student’s financial expenses and income will be designed to discover options available to graduate with as little debt as possible.

University of Valley Forge’s Financial Services Office provides personal budget counseling. A personalized plan working with a student’s financial expenses and income will be designed to discover options available to graduate with as little debt as possible.

See the Career Services section of the Catalog for more information about on- and off-campus employment.



The estimated cost of textbooks and supplies per semester is $750.00. UVF has partnered with eCampus, an online bookstore, to provide textbooks to our students. Textbooks can be ordered prior to or during the semester by going to

All payments for books are made directly to eCampus. Payment may be made by Visa, Discover, American Express or MasterCard.

The purchase of textbooks may only be charged to a student’s account if a credit exists on their account from confirmed financial aid.


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