Upon completion of this program in Music Education, the graduate is eligible to receive either the Pennsylvania State Instructional I Public School Teaching Certificate in Music Education (K – Grade 12) pending passing of the required Praxis tests or the Pennsylvania Private School Teaching Certificate in Music Education (K – Grade 12).


The University of Valley Forge Special Education PreK-12 certification program is designed to equip teacher candidates with the content knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to meet the needs of special education students from grades PreK-12 in an inclusive or special education classroom. Four additional required Special Education courses are included in the dual certification program within the regular Music Education Choral Track and Music Education Instrumental Track programs. These additional courses are identified with an * and with an X after the course code.


1. Students will communicate competently using musical vocabulary through both writing and speech.

2. Students will search for information in a variety of formats and evaluate the quality, appropriateness, and application of that information to problem solving within the discipline of music and for continued professional development.

3. Students will manage individual and group relationships at the personal and professional level, including conflict resolution.

4. Students will define and articulate a personal philosophy of service and leadership that incorporates faith and a Christian worldview.

5. Students will display competence in vocal, keyboard or instrumental music performance.

6. Students will demonstrate competency in planning, organizing, and implementing instructional experiences in the elementary and secondary classroom from a pluralistic and multicultural perspective.


Each student in a teacher preparation program is required to participate in a student teaching experience. This supervised student teaching will be completed during the student’s final semester. Students participating in student teaching must meet the following criteria:

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

  • Completion of all academic work

  • Approvals from the Vice President of Student Life and the Music/Education faculty

  • Passing of ENG 123 College Writing and Research

  • Passing a 3 credit literature course

  • Passing of two college-level Mathematics courses

*In order to qualify for the Music Education Program, students must pass the Music Placement Exam. Additionally, Choral Track students must pass the Piano Entrance Exam.


The Music Education certification program is designed to make the teacher candidate eligible to receive the Pennsylvania State Instructional I teaching certificate . Candidates for this certificate apply directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by creating a personal account in TIMS to which the teacher candidate completes the online application . The education department chair will then verify the candidate’s morality, competencies, and educational qualifications and will submit a recommendation to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for certificate issuance.

In order to be eligible for the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s teaching certificate, applicants must pass all required PDE competency exams. Please see the teacher education department for further information.

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