The mission of the University of Valley Forge is “To prepare individuals for a life of service and leadership in the church and in the world.” Today’s church and world is highly mobile, highly connected, and constantly changing, creating constant intercultural encounters regardless of where a person physically resides.
Starting from a strong Biblical and spiritual foundation, the Intercultural Studies program is designed to give students the conceptual understanding and the practical experience that they need to thrive in our multicultural, hyper-connected world. This foundation can then be combined with courses from across the University of Valley Forge catalog that explore and develop the passions and talents of the individual student in a flexible and adaptive way. By using the framework of their own God given passions, interests, and talents the ICS department prepares them to think in fresh, creative ways about life, work, and service in cross-cultural settings around the world.
Upon completion of the BA in intercultural studies students should achieve the following learning outcomes:
1. Students will express ideas and arguments skillfully and persuasively when speaking or writing by applying the theories and techniques of creative, linguistic, literary and rhetorical studies.
2. Students will use information literacy skills to analyze, interpret and evaluate information within cultural and historical contexts through reading, writing, and research.
3. Students will cultivate collegial relationships with international leaders and organizations for collaboration.
4. Students will articulate a philosophy of intercultural communication consistent with a Christian worldview.