The mission of the University of Valley Forge is to prepare individuals for a life of service and leadership in the church and in the world. A significant part of this preparation takes place via the Core, which is a central part of each of our carefully designed majors. The Arts, Sciences, and Christian Worldview classes in the Core prepare students for leadership roles in the marketplace and in fields of ministry. Specifically, each student attains well-defined levels of competency in the areas of communication, psychology, social sciences, humanities, mathematics, science, and health and nutrition. Students prepare themselves academically, spiritually, and vocationally through this rigorous curriculum as they develop skills in oral, written, and interpersonal communication, information literacy, research, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, understanding the Christian worldview, and cultural awareness. In addition, students develop a knowledge of the arts, sciences, and culture. In this tight-knit, relational community, qualified professors serve UVF’s students with a commitment to their preparation and success.



Entering students take assessment examinations in such areas as English, mathematics, and music. These tests are given to measure skills, study habits, and attitudes necessary for successful college-level work and to determine the placement of students in courses appropriate for their level of achievement. Credit earned for developmental courses does not fulfill any General Education credit requirements. If students need to take developmental courses then they should complete these courses in their first semester at UVF, or by the end of their second semester if there are two courses that must be taken in sequence. If a passing grade of a C- or higher is not achieved in the first attempt in a developmental course, students must repeat the class in the next semester. Developmental courses include ENG 011, MTH 013, MTH 017, and MUS 142. The student will work with his/her Academic Advisor to enroll in developmental courses to be taken or repeated. Monitoring educational effectiveness and student learning is part of our institutional commitment to excellence. Course evaluations and surveys are routinely administered as part of this process. Students are encouraged to assist the college by honestly and accurately completing these forms when distributed.



A student who desires to change his or her degree program, diploma program, or major area of study should complete the appropriate forms, available on myValleyForge. A $20 fee will be assessed for each request granted.



In addition to the traditional on-campus classroom approach to education, UVF makes it possible for students to earn academic credits in a number of ways.



Students interested in pursuing outside transfer credits while enrolled at UVF must first complete an Approval for Concurrent Enrollment form available on myValleyForge.



Online-based courses are available to enrolled UVF students.” These courses provide an electronic learning format designed to provide flexibility in the delivery method. Students should consult their advisor before registering for these courses. An additional online resource fee is charged.



Students may earn credits by GIS under the supervision of an instructor. Courses regularly scheduled by UVF are not normally available through GIS unless exceptional circumstances exist. All GIS requests must be approved by the Department Chairperson who oversees the area of the curriculum where the course resides. Forms should be secured through myValleyForge by visiting the Registration tab and selecting “Student Forms”. There is a fee assessed per GIS course.



Educators recognize that professional learning may take place by experience outside the traditional college classroom. UVF has a procedure for evaluating this learning and awarding academic credit known as life experience credit . Inquiries about life experience credit should be addressed to the Office of Academic Affairs. Life experience should not comprise more than 25% of a degree.

The Social Work Program at University of Valley Forge does not grant social work course credit for life experience or previous work experience.



The grading system is as follows:



4 .0 points



4.0 points



3.67 points



3.33 points



3.0 points



2.67 points



2.33 points



2 .0 points



1 .67 points



1 .33 points



1.0 points



0.67 points



0.0 points




W Withdrawal from course Requests for incompletes must be approved by the professor. Course work for incompletes must be completed within six weeks following the end of the term in which the class was taken or the final grade automatically becomes an “F”. Only the Academic Affairs Committee is authorized to make a grade change later than 6 weeks after the class was taken.



The following classifications have been established regarding class standing, based on the number of credits earned:

  • 0 – 29.5 Freshman
  • 30 – 59.5 Sophomore
  • 60 – 89.5 Junior 90 and above Senior

The following designations are used to identify students:


  • Full-time Course load of 12 credits or more
  • Three Quarter Course load of 9 credits Time to 11.5 credits
  • Half-time Course load of 6 credits to 8.5 credits
  • Less than Course load less than
  • Half-time 6 credits
  • Non-matriculated: Non-degree seeking



  • Full-time Course load of 4 credits or more
  • Three Quarter Course load of 3 credits Time
  • Half-time Course load of 2 credits
  • Less than Course load of 1 credit
  • Half-time or less
  • Non-matriculated: Non-degree seeking



Auditing students are exempt from the requirements for the course and will receive no grade; AU will appear on the transcript. A course taken as an audit may not be changed to a credit basis. Audit rates are $60/credit. All normal fees apply.

Private music lessons may not be taken on an audit basis. They may, however, be taken on a noncredit basis with payment of full tuition and the applied music fee.



A student may repeat courses in which a grade of “C”, “D”, or “F” has been received. Both grades will appear on the student’s permanent record. The credit and grade points earned from the highest grade received will count in the student’s cumulative grade point average. If a student repeats a course in which they received a grade higher than an “F,” there may be financial aid implications. Check with the Financial Services Office before enrolling in a class you have already passed.



The college has established the following requirements for graduation:

1. Completion of at least 120 credit hours for a bachelor’s degree.

2. Completion of at least 60 credit hours for an associate degree.

3. Completion of at least 30 credit hours for a master’s degree.

4. The last 30 credit hours of continuous enrollment must be taken at University of Valley Forge for a bachelor’s degree.

5. Cumulative GPA of 2 .0 or higher for bachelor and associate degrees.

6. Cumulative GPA of 3 .0 or higher for a master’s degree.

7. Student account must be paid in full.

8. Completion of internship (when required).

9. Students must submit a graduation application form to the Registrar’s Office by the established deadline to be considered for Commencement in April/ May.



It is the policy of the University of Valley Forge to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with documented disabilities. The university will adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations with regard to affording equal educational opportunities.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Disability Services ( and to provide documentation of a disability as soon as possible in the semester, preferably prior to the semester. The Office of Disability Services will assist students and faculty in arranging appropriate accommodations. This is in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and that no services or accommodations can be provided without documentation.



Students are expected to complete registration during the time allotted for this purpose. No student will be permitted to enroll or to change enrollment after the add/ drop period has elapsed following registration.



Each student has an assigned academic advisor. The advisor assists the student with class selection, academic progress, course sequencing and general academic concerns. Each student is expected to become familiar with the catalog and degree requirements of his/her major and is expected to be responsible for understanding and fulfilling all program requirements.”



To avoid unnecessary difficulties in a study program, students may not take courses with a number more than one level above their current classification. A freshman student may not take courses beyond the 200 level, and a sophomore may not take courses beyond the 300 level. All prerequisite courses must be successfully completed before a student is permitted to take a course with prerequisite listings.

Varsity sports may optionally be taken for credit. A maximum of four credit hours is permitted. One credit fulfills a PHE activity course, and the remaining credits will be counted toward fulfilling open elective requirements in a degree program. In order to receive credit for a varsity sport a student must register for the course prior to the add/drop deadline.



A “credit” or “credit hour” is based on fourteen 50-minute periods plus the final examination period. The suggested course load for full-time students during the fall and spring terms is 15-17 credit hours.

A course overload is 18.5 credits or greater. A minimum of 12 credit hours must be taken for a student to be full-time.

Students with a GPA below 2.0 may not take a course load of more than 13 credits in the next semester (see “Course Load” in the Student Handbook for further details). 



The policy on class absences is detailed in the Student Handbook.



The Vice President of Academic Affairs reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course as needed.



Requests for schedule changes must be approved by the student’s advisor. The deadlines for schedule changes and withdrawal from class are found in the university calendar at the beginning of the catalog. All courses dropped without prior approval are entered as “F” on the student’s permanent record. No refunds/reductions are given for withdrawals from individual courses after Add/Drop.



Application for withdrawal from college is made at the Student Success Center. No withdrawal from school is official until the withdrawal form is signed by the Director of the Student Success Center after clearance from appropriate departments. There is a fee for withdrawal. Reimbursement of funds is calculated according to the official date of withdrawal on the appropriate form.



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, commonly referred to as FERPA, provides certain privacy rights to students while permitting the college to release directory information without student consent. Directory information at UVF includes, but is not limited to, the student’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part- time), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, photograph, degrees, honors and awards received, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended. The above designated information is subject to release by the campus at any time unless the registrar has received a prior written objection from the student specifying information which the student requests not be released. No other information will be released without the written consent of the student, except as permitted by FERPA.




Degree candidates are eligible for the following academic honors:

  • Cum Laude, 3.5 to 3.69 GPA

  • Magna Cum Laude, 3.7 to 3.89 GPA

  • Summa Cum Laude, 3.9 to 4.0 GPA Bachelor’s candidates for such honors are identified by gold honor cords worn over their gown.



Degree candidates are eligible for the following academic honor:

Summa Cum Laude 3.9 to 4.0 GPA



University of Valley Forge is a member of the Sigma Chi Pi Honor Society of the Assemblies of God. Each year qualified seniors who have maintained at least a 3.5 GPA who have demonstrated Christian character, leadership ability, and college loyalty are nominated by the faculty for membership in the society. Nominees must have completed the last 60 credit hours at UVF.



Students participating in the UVF Honors Program must take a minimum of 12 credits of honors-designated courses. These courses emphasize advanced writing, research, and critical thinking skills and provide a solid preparation for graduate study. These courses are to be completed before the beginning of the senior year of study. In order to complete the UVF Honors Program, students must obtain at least a 3.5 GPA. Without a 3.5 GPA the student will not graduate with the UVF Honors Program distinction.

Honors students are recognized at commencement and their completion of the Honors Program is noted on their official transcripts.

Incoming Freshmen are invited to join the Honors Program based on their SAT and ACT scores. In addition, current UVF students can apply to be part of the program based on a University GPA. Those with a 3.75 GPA or above may apply to the program by contacting the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Students not enrolled in the Honors Program may be granted permission from the instructor to take certain courses.



Students who desire to study in a cross- cultural environment may apply to be considered to complete one semester in a foreign country. Student financial aid is available. Contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs for application information.



The American Psychological Association (APA) Style Manual is the approved University style manual for the undergraduate social sciences (Behavioral Sciences, Education, Business). The Modern Language Association Style Manual (MLA) is the approved University style manual for the undergraduate humanities and liberal arts (Arts and Sciences, Church Ministries, Deaf Ministries, Digital Media, Intercultural Studies, Music). The Chicago/Turabian Manual of Style is the approved University style manual for undergraduate theological capstone projects and theological graduate studies.



In order to prepare students for a life of service and leadership, all students must take two credits of technology related courses. This requirement can be met by passing two computer credits, music technology credits, digital media credits, or having previous academic instruction (shown on a college transcript).



Experiential Learning is an educational experience in which students participate in an out-of-class activity for curricular or co- curricular purposes. Examples would include service learning, internship, student – led ministries, etc.



Serving others is integrated into diverse courses at UVF through service-learning assignments. These assignments often include elements of both service and reflection that allow the students to apply principles from the classroom into real world situations.



Most programs require an internship prior to graduation . The focus of an internship is to prepare the student with practical experience in his or her major. Internships must be officially cleared by the Department Chair and processed through the Faculty Administrative Assistant. Please refer to the internship requirements of the respective Academic Department for more information.



Student-Led Ministries are formed and directed by students. Their passion to minister results in creative events on campus, support groups, and prayer initiatives. Evangelistic teams serve in outreaches, nursing homes, drug rehab centers, malls, and prisons. They feed the homeless, pray for the sick, and witness. The teams present the gospel in creative ways through preaching, dance, drama, music, children’s ministry, and testimonies.


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