BIB – Bible

BIB 101 – An Introduction to the Bible: 3 credits

A study of the historical settings, literary features, theological teachings, and general content of the Bible with special emphasis on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

BIB 103 – Introduction to Biblical Interpretation: 3 credits

A practical introduction to the study of the Bible. The course provides an overview of fundamental issues of interpretation, inspiration, manuscripts, and translation. Emphasis is on basic approaches to Bible study and appropriate use of biblical reference tools.

Only required for non-ministry majors.

BIB 200 – Biblical Theology: 3 credits

A study of the major biblical and theological themes of both testaments. Emphasis on discovering the flow of ideas that bind the different books of the Bible into a unified whole. 

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

BIB 213 – Hermeneutics: 3 credits

An advanced study of the history, theory, and practice of biblical interpretation. This course emphasizes knowledge, understanding, and skills for pastoral and scholarly study of the Scripture including a review of current approaches and developments. 

Prerequisites: OLT 123, NWT 113

BIB 303 – Teaching the Bible Creatively: 3 credits

A course for all who desire to teach the Bible more effectively and creatively. Designed to develop basic principles and practices in the teaching of the Bible as well as studying methods, materials, learning theory, and meeting individual differences in all age groups. 

BIB 312 – The Bible: From Inspiration to Translation: 3 credits

A study of the canon, text, ancient manuscripts, transmission and translation of the Bible. Special attention is given to the history of the English Bible and modern translation theories. 

BIB 413 – Daniel-Revelation: 3 credits

An integrative and exegetical study of these two prophetic books from a pre-millennial perspective in light of other interpretive approaches. Historical background, literary genre, and theological teachings of each book will be examined.

BIB 463 – Biblical Archaeology: 3 credits

The study of excavations and discoveries that have a bearing on the Bible. The course is designed to acquaint the student with the nature of archaeology and its contribution to biblical Studies.

May be offered with BIB 493.

BIB 491, 492 and 493 – Topics in Bible: 1-3 credits

Special topics of varied interest are offered as needed and as resources permit.

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