MED – Music Education

MED 313 – Elementary Music Methods & Materials: 3 credits

A class designed to equip the student with techniques necessary for teaching music in the elementary school setting. Emphasis will be placed on teaching craft and curriculum development. Includes field experiences. 

Prerequisites: MUS 223, MUS 221, PSY 223, EDU 263, PSY 383 and PHE 311

Formal admission into the music education program

MED 333 – Secondary Music Methods & Materials: 3 credits

A class designed to equip the student with techniques necessary for teaching music in the high school setting. Emphasis will be placed on teaching craft and curriculum development. Includes field experiences. 

Prerequisite: MED 313

MED 373 – Technology in Music Education: 2 credits

A course designed to explore technology in the music classroom. Emphasis will be placed on instructional software, notation and production software, multimedia, music performance and internet resources. Students will create an electronic portfolio.

Prerequisite: MED 313

MED 392 – Choral Methods & Materials: 3 credits

Instructional methods and materials for teaching vocal music at the elementary and secondary school levels. Includes field experiences.

Prerequisites: MED 313 and MED 333

MED 393 – Instrumental Methods & Materials: 3 credits

Instructional methods and materials for teaching instrumental music at both the elementary and secondary schools levels.

Prerequisites: MED 313 and MED 333

Includes field experiences

MED 466 – Student Teaching: 12 credits

Observation and supervised teaching in vocal and instrumental music in an approved public school music department. Student teaching takes place in the senior year and is composed of two segments: seven weeks in an elementary classroom setting and seven weeks in a secondary setting. Course credit represents preparation and planning, classroom performance and classroom management. Students may not register for ensembles or lessons during the semester in which they student teach. 

Prerequisite: MED 391 music education coordinator’s permission and acceptance into the music education program.

Corequisite: EDU 471

Student Teaching Fee: $600

MED 611 – Woodwind Class I: 0.5 credit

A practical study of the clarinet and saxophone: assembling, holding and maintenance of instrument; embouchure and tone production; transposition; fingering; range; problems in teaching young players; examination of methods and materials; manufacturers, quality, prices. Requires observation in a school program.

A course fee of $160 is required for the leasing of instruments.

MED 612 – Woodwind Class II: 0.5 credit

A practical study of flute and double reed instruments: assembling, holding and maintenance of instruments; embouchure and tone production; transposition; fingering; range; problems in teaching young players; examination of methods and materials; manufacturers, quality, prices. Requires observation in a school program.

A course fee of $160 is required for the leasing of instruments.

MED 613 – Brass Class I: 5 credit

A practical study of the trumpet and horn: holding and maintenance of instrument; embouchure and tone production; transposition; fingering; range; problems in teaching young players; examination of methods and materials; manufacturers, quality, prices. Requires observation in a school program.

A course fee of $160 is required for the leasing of instruments.

MED 614 – Brass Class II: 0.5 credit

A practical study of the trombone and other low brass instruments: holding and maintenance of instrument; embouchure and tone production; transposition; positions and fingerings; range; problems in teaching young players; examination of methods and materials; manufacturers, quality, prices. Requires observation in a school program.

A course fee of $160 is required for the leasing of instruments.

MED 617 – String Class I: 0.5 credit

A practical study of the instruments of the string family: problems in teaching, examination of methods and materials for each instrument, fingering and bowing styles, shifting; tone production; manufacturers, quality, prices. Requires observation in a school program.

A course fee of $160 is required for the leasing of instruments.

MED 627 – String Class II: 0.5 credit

A practical study of the cello or bass: problems in teaching, examination of methods and materials for each instrument, fingering and bowing styles, shifting; tone production; manufacturing, quality, prices. Requires observation in a school program.

A course fee of $160 is required for the leasing of instruments.

MED 631 – Percussion Class: 0.5 credit

A practical study of the instruments of the percussion family: assembling, holding, maintenance; problems in teaching young players; examination of methods and materials; makes of instruments, quality, price. Requires observation in a school program.

A course fee of $160 is required for the leasing of instruments.

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