MTN – Music Technology

MTN 111 – Basic Audio Reinforcement: 1 credit

A basic overview of professional audio equipment and its relative application in the field. Students will assemble, operate, troubleshoot and breakdown various audio systems. Open to all students.

MTN 123 – Introduction to Music Technology: 1 credit

An introduction to the basic concepts of computer-based sequencing, notation, recording and editing along with its application in the music industry. In addition, rudimentary sound reinforcement concepts will be explored.

MTN 125 – Introduction to Live Music Technology: 1 credit

A course designed to introduce students to the current music technologies utilized in live worship and performance settings. An emphasis will be placed on multi-track use in performance, Planning Center Online, and notation software.

MTN 233 – Principles of Audio Technology: 3 credits

A course that explores the fundamental physical laws of sound and acoustics as it applies to audio technology. Topics include psychoacoustics, wave propagation, frequency and time, as well as basic room acoustics.

Equipment Access Fee: $60 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 253 – Modern Music Production Techniques: 3 credit

A study of music production using historical, traditional, and current practices. Students will spend extensive time with current software including Reason, Logic and Pro Tools. Students will complete Pro Tools 110 Official Courseware and have opportunity to secure Pro Tools Certified Speaclist.

Prerequisite: MTN 423 

Equipment Access Fee: $84 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 263 – Digital Audio: 3 credits

Introduction to digital audio production. This course includes practical experience in planning, coordinating, directing and producing various audio productions. Review of sound design principles and recording techniques for multi-track production in media production settings. Students learn the function and operation of digital audio workstations, microphones and signal processors as well as recording environments. 

Equipment Access Fee: $84 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 313 – Sound Reinforcement Systems: 3 credits

A survey of the array of professional audio reinforcement systems and their application in live sound reinforcement. Students will research and design audio reinforcement systems for multiple venues. Emphasis will also be placed on commonly encountered acoustical problems and techniques to neutralize them. Students will mix in simulated or live concert settings.

Prerequisite: MTN 233 or permission of Instructor

Equipment Access Fee: $60 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 350 – Recording Workshop: 2 credits

A course for students with advanced recording skills ( Junior/ Senior standing). A project based course with students participating a variety challenging projects as determined by the instructor and student. Course may be taken only with permission. Course will require a combination of seminar/lab work. Course may be repeated for up to 4 credits with a max of 2 per semester.

Equipment Access Fee: $118 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 355 – Critical Listening: 1 credit

A course designed to help students develop critical listening skills related to music production. These include melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic issues as well as frequency and time alignment.

MTN 407 – Senior Audio Seminar: 1 credits

A project based course designed to specialize and create specific individualized projects for a student’s Senior Audio Project portfolio. Students will dive deep into pre-production for their capstone project work to provide adequate recorded content. 

Prerequisite: Senior class standing and permission of instructor.

MTN 410 – Production Workshop: 3 credits

A course for students with advanced recording skills ( Junior/Senior standing). The is a large project based course with each student completing projects such as: music album, broadcast audio program, technical project, audio for film, etc. 

Permission of instructor

Applied Instruction fee

Equipment Access Fee: $118 (only for non-majors)

MTN 415 – Audio for Film: 3 credits

Course explores concepts and applications of sound design and audio production for video including web, television, and film. Techniques used in post-production industry will be introduced including role of the sound designer and supervising sound editor in charge of dialog, sound effects, and music editing.

Prior experience with Pro Tools is required.

Prerequisite: MTN 263

MTN 423 – Multi-Track Recording: 3 credits

A course that develops upon the skills and techniques acquired in Digital Audio. Students will be introduced to the professional studio environment and will spend considerable time in live and studio sessions. Students will complete Avid Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware.

Prerequisite: MTN 263. 

Equipment Access Fee: $118 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 441 – Senior Audio Project/Recital: 3 credits

This is a capstone course for senior Music Production/Digital Media- Recording Arts Majors. Students have the option of a recital on their primary instrument/compositions, a lecture recital, or a production project with a public presentation.

Permission of instructor

Applied Instruction Fee: $175 (all students)

MTN 451 – Advanced Pro Tools (Undergraduate): 3 credits

The course covers advanced concepts and skills required to operate Pro Tools in a professional studio environment. The main topics in this course follow AVID Professional courseware are followed by exercises that bring the student step-by- step through Pro Tools functions critical for successful work in the digital audio field. Students will have access to Pro Tools Flex software. The course uses official AVID courseware Pro Tools 201: Pro Tools Production II.

Prerequisites: MTN 253 and 423; successful completion of ProTools Specialist Certification.

MTN 463 – Mixing/Post-Production: 3 credits

A course designed to introduce the student to the final stages of the recording process. Emphasis will be placed on manual mixing, automation, mastering, and the distribution processes. 

Prerequisite: MTN 253

Equipment Access Fee: $118 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 481 – Music Internship: 3 credits

This course is designed to enhance academic learning with practical, hands-on experience. Music Production students may complete their internships in one or more of the following areas: recording studio, live production, broadcast, video production, church audio technician. Each credit hour equates to 75 hours of actual work experience. Work must be approved by the Department Chair. 

Pre-requisite: Junior or Senior standing and faculty approval

MTN 510 – Advanced Notation (Finale): 3 credits

This course is designed to train instrumental, choral, and classroom music specialists to use Finale for notating and printing music. Participants will learn how to input music using an external keyboard and print out scores and parts. Topics include: transposing band and orchestra parts; printing a choral score; music notation problem solving; incorporation of notation examples into word processors; composing and arranging music; and using notation software with students. Participants will bring several examples of music notation to be entered during the course.

MTN 511 – Sibelius: 3 credits

A course designed to train instrumental, choral, and classroom music specialists to use Sibelius for notating and printing music. Participants will learn how to input music using an external keyboard and print out scores and parts. Topics include: transposing band and orchestra parts; printing a choral score; music notation problem solving; incorporation of notation examples into Word documents; composing and arranging music; and using notation software with students. Participants will bring several examples of music notation to be entered during the course.

MTN 530 – Digital Music Production & MIDI: 3 credits

This hands-on course is designed to build advanced skills in music production using Digital Audio Workstations and MIDI. The material will include explanations and demonstrations of specific programming, recording, editing, and arranging techniques for creating dynamic, musical productions in any musical style.

Pre-requisite: MTN 540 or permission

MTN 535 – Sound Reinforcement: 3 credits

This course will cover selecting, setting up and operating a sound system to achieve the best musical results. Topics include microphones, mixers, amplifiers, monitoring systems, effects, cables, wiring, acoustics, training, communications during performance, soundboard principles, and techniques for effective mixing.

MTN 540 – Digital Audio: 3 credits

This course explores modern techniques for recording, editing, mixing, storing, and sharing sound in digital form. Consumer grade and professional recording equipment will be used . Students will work with Apple Garage Band and Avid Pro Tools. This course is designed for the experienced computer user.

Qualified students may request permission to substitute advanced MTN courses.

MTN 545 – Pro Tools Specialist (Graduate): 3 credits

This course provides fundamental overview of the digital audio recording system Pro Tools . An exploration of Pro Tools principles including necessary skills to complete a Pro Tools project from initial set up to final mix . Projects including recording live instruments, MIDI sequencing of software synthesizers, or audio editing or region looping an all the key concepts and skills needed to operate a Pro Tools system at the User level will be examined. The course will cover official AVID courseware for ProTools 101 and PT 110. Successful completion of the official exams will lead to Pro Tools Specialist certification.

MTN 550 – Digital Video: 3 credits

Digital Video covers techniques for recording, editing and storing video. Entry-level and professional recording equipment will be used. All video projects will be stored on high-quality media but videos will also be converted to compressed formats. In-service teachers who complete this course will create several videos appropriate for music instruction in the K-12 classroom. The format of the course will alternate presentations with class activities in which student progress is assessed and in which the material presented is reinforced. Evaluation will be through written homework, completion of class projects, and the submission of a final project demonstrating techniques learned in class.

MTN 551 – Pro Tools Operator: 3 credits

The coursework covers the core concepts and skills required to operate Pro Tools in a professional studio environment. The main tiopics in this course are followed by exercises that bring the student step-by-step through the Pro Tools functions that are critical for successful work in the digital audio field. Students will use Pro Tools Flex software. The course covers Offical AVID courseware for Pro Tools 201: Pro Tools Production II and Pro Tools 210 M: Music Production Techniques. Students may achieve Pro Tools Professional Certification upon successful completion of the 201 & 210 Certification Exams. 

Pre-requisites: MTN 253 and/or successful completion of ProTools Specialist Certification 

Equipment Access Fee: $118 (non-majors/minors only)

MTN 555 – Advanced Digital Video: 3 credits

Advanced Digital Video covers advanced techniques for recording, editing and storing video. Professional recording equipment will be used. All video projects will be stored on high-quality media but videos will also be converted to compressed formats. In-service teachers who complete this course will create several recordings appropriate for music instruction in the K-12 classroom. The format of the course will alternate presentations with class activities in which student progress is assessed and in which the material presented is reinforced. Evaluation will be through written homework, completion of class projects, and the submission of a final project demonstrating techniques learned in class.

Prerequisite: MTN 550

MTN 580: Applied Mixing

Offered at all levels of instruction . Projects would include mixing small and large ensembles of classical and contemporary instruments according to the student’s ability. 

MTN 595 – Foundations of Music Technology: 3 credits

A study of the philosophical and historical fundamentals of music technology. Covers purposes of media and music technology, principles of effective communication and musical performance, criteria for defining quality, principles of organizational leadership, applicable laws, and research and concerns within the discipline.

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