NWT – New Testament

NWT 113 – New Testament Survey: 3 credits

A panoramic view of the chief events, prominent characters, main themes and salient teachings of each New Testament book in relation to its historical, geographical and cultural contexts.

NWT 223 – Gospels: The Life of Jesus: 3 credits

A comprehensive study of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) including the background and authorship of each book and its particular content and orientation. The life and ministry of Christ is studied. Key parables are studied and interpreted.

Prerequisite: NWT 113

NWT 243 – Book of Acts: 3 credits

A study of the theological and practical teachings of the historical origins of the early Church. Special attention is given to the theology and work of the Holy Spirit in the evangelistic expansion of the Church. 

Prerequisite: NWT 113

NWT 313 – I & II Corinthians: 3 credits

A study of Paul’s treatment of church problems, with application to the present day Church. Paul’s defense of his apostolic call and ministry are the focus of II Corinthians. 

Prerequisite: NWT 113

NWT 333 – Romans: 3 credits

An exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans emphasizing its contribution to Christian theology and life.

Prerequisite: NWT 113

NWT 363 – Prison Epistles: 3 credits

A study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon, with special attention to their Christological content. Historical, geographical and biographical matters are also considered. 

Prerequisite: NWT 113

NWT 383 – Epistle to the Hebrews: 3 credits

A study of the Epistle to the Hebrews showing the exaltation of Christ as the final and complete revelation of God and His truth to mankind.

Prerequisite: NWT 113

NWT 491, 492 and 493 – Topics in New Testament: 1-3 credits

Special topics of varied interest are offered as needed and as resources permit.

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