THE – Theology

THE 100 – An Introduction to Christian Belief: 3 credits

An investigation of the crucial doctrines, themes, and concepts that shape Christian theology.

THE 115 – Thinking Theologically: 3 credits

An investigation of the crucial doctrines, themes, and concepts that shape Christian theology. The nature of God, human nature, the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church will be explored.

THE 214 – Biblical Theology of Missions from a Pentecostal Perspective: 3 credits

An introduction to the biblical mandate for missions as recorded throughout the Old and New Testaments. This course also emphasizes principles of the indigenous church, roles of the sending church, the layperson and the missionary, in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission. The personal call to missio8ns is also studied. 

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

THE 233 – AG History and Theology: 3 credits

An introduction to the historical and theological bases for the emergence of Pentecostalism, with a particular emphasis on the centrality of missions to Christian thought and practice.

THE 243 – Theology I: 3 credits

A study in systematic theology including the defense of faith, the introduction of theology, the Bible, God, creation, angels, humanity, and sin (technically: apologetics, the prolegomena, bibliology, theology proper, cosmology, angelology, anthropology, and hamartiology). Special attention is given to Assemblies of God doctrine.

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

THE 303 – Theology II: 3 credits

A study in systematic theology including Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the end times (technically: Christology, Soteriolgoy, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology). Special attention is given to Assemblies of God doctrine.

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

THE 313 – A Biblical Theology of Worship: 3 credits

Introduction to the biblical basis of worship, a practical application of worship leading skills and the discussion and practice of hymn, choral, and chorus selections. The role of corporate worship in relation to preaching and the larger ministry of the church, with congregational response, will be explored.

THE 483 – Theological Studies Thesis: 3 credits

This course serves as the capstone course for theology students in which advanced research, exegetical and theological skills will be applied through a major writing project. The major project must include field research (i.e., interviews, local church interaction, various ministries, etc.) In addition to academic research. The student is responsible to consult with the Ministry Leadership and Theology Department Chair to be assigned to the best-suited professor for his or her chosen subject. The selected professor will serve as the supervisor and evaluator for the student’s work and help tailor the ways in which the selected topic will be processed, evaluated, and presented.

THE 491, 492 and 493 – Topics in Theology: 1-3 credits

Special topics of varied interest are offered as needed and as resources permit.

THE 505 – Art and Science of Biblical Interpretation: 3 credits

This course will examine the science of hermeneutical analysis, processes, and methods in which one can derive the most accurate and valid interpretation of passages of the Bible. Due consideration will be given to the art involved in integrating various lines of thought in the Bible to accomplish an adequate understanding and application of any passage in the Bible.

THE 510 – Distinctives of Pentecostal Theology: 3 credits

This course examines the unique contributions to theology being made by Pentecostal scholars. Attention will be given to the diverse origins of the Pentecostal movement and how various theology streams have shaped and been transformed by Pentecostal theology and practice.

THE 515 – Theological Methods: 3 credits

This course explores various approaches to doing theology so that the student may more effectively evaluate various theological systems and approaches. Students will think critically about the resources, assumptions, goals, and outcomes of various ways of doing theology in global contexts.

THE 520 – Theology: Classic & Contemporary: 3 credits

This course is a discovery of theological systems used throughout Church history and into the present with a particular focus on contemporary developments. Special attention is given to biblical foundations, philosophical presuppositions, psychosocial forces, and the practical consequences of these developments in the life of the Church and the quest for truth.

THE 525 – The Interface of Theology & Psychology: 3 credits

This course will examine the different approaches in relating the long traditions of theological inquiry with the more recent influential theories of psychology. Issues that will be discussed include: human nature, the notion of sin, the concept of salvation/sanctification, and the goal of spiritual and psychological wellness. The role of the Holy Spirit and human agents, as divine and people facilitators respectfully, will be explored.

Prerequisites: THE 505 and 515 or 520

THE 570 – Cross-Cultural Theology: 3 credits 

This course explores the ways in which culture intersects with and informs the task of theology. Students will explore biblical, historical, and contemporary examples of cultural influences, on theology both positively and negatively. In doing so, students will be better equipped to appreciate the theological contributions of diverse peoples and nations participating in the Missio Dei, “the mission of God”.

THE/SOC 595 – Research Dynamics: 3 credits

This course will train the student in the advanced skills of scholarly research, design, writing and documentation as a direct preparation for the final research project of the degree. The student must receive an “A” or a “B” is this course to proceed to the final Research Project. A “C” or lower will require the student to retake SOC/THE 595.

THE/SOC 599 – Research Project: 6 credits 

This course will consist of a major written project that reflects graduate level research and writing on an area of study agreed upon and under the direct supervision of a professor who has specialization in the chosen topic of study in keeping with the degree. The final project must receive committee approval.

Prerequisite: SOC/THE 595

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