THE – Theology

THE 100 – An Introduction to Christian Belief: 3 credits

An investigation of the crucial doctrines, themes, and concepts that shape Christian theology.

THE 115 – Thinking Theologically: 3 credits

An investigation of the crucial doctrines, themes, and concepts that shape Christian theology. The nature of God, human nature, the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church will be explored.

THE 214 – Biblical Theology of Missions from a Pentecostal Perspective: 3 credits

An introduction to the biblical mandate for missions as recorded throughout the Old and New Testaments. This course also emphasizes principles of the indigenous church, roles of the sending church, the layperson and the missionary, in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission. The personal call to missio8ns is also studied. 

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

THE 233 – An Introduction to the History & Theology of the AG: 3 credits

An introduction to the historical and theological bases for the emergence of Pentecostalism, with a particular emphasis on the centrality of missions to Christian thought and practice.

THE 243 – Theology I: 3 credits

A study in systematic theology including the defense of faith, the introduction of theology, the Bible, God, creation, angels, humanity, and sin (technically: apologetics, the prolegomena, bibliology, theology proper, cosmology, angelology, anthropology, and hamartiology). Special attention is given to Assemblies of God doctrine.

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

THE 303 – Theology II: 3 credits

A study in systematic theology including Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the end times (technically: Christology, Soteriolgoy, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology). Special attention is given to Assemblies of God doctrine.

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

THE 313 – A Biblical Theology of Worship: 3 credits

Introduction to the biblical basis of worship, a practical application of worship leading skills and the discussion and practice of hymn, choral, and chorus selections. The role of corporate worship in relation to preaching and the larger ministry of the church, with congregational response, will be explored.

THE 353 – Theology III: 3 credits

A study of the doctrines of the Holy Spirit, the Church, and death and the end times. Special attention is given to Assemblies of God issues. (Technically: Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology: Personal and General).

Prerequisites: OLT 123 and NWT 113

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