WRS – Worship Studies
WRS 505 – Pentecostal Spirituality: 3 credits
This course will be an exploration of Pentecostal life and ministry. Emphasis will be placed on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in private and public worship. The history and the practice of the 20th/21st Century Pentecostalism, including the charismatic and Praise and Worship renewals of the last 50 years will be examined. Current trends will also be analyzed. The course will conclude with a research project on a contemporary theme.
WRS 510 – Biblical Foundations of Worship: 3 credits
The Biblical Theology of worship is presented in this course. The unity and contrasts of the Old and New Covenants, the seven biblical models of worship, and definitions of key New Testament terms will be explored.
WRS 515 – Historical Foundations of Worship: 3 credits
The history of the church, prior to the 20th Century Pentecostal Revival, will be examined with an eye to changing worship expressions and methods through
the centuries. Each era of the church will be analyzed in the light of scripture and patterns of conflict and resolution will be explored. The course will conclude with a research project on an historical subject.
WRS 520 – Pastoring a Worshiping Community: 3 credits
Issues of church planting, renewal and growth will be the emphasis of this course. Key questions of the building of community, the flow of authority and responsibility in the local church, and the use of the arts in worship will be explored. The course will conclude with a research project on a contemporary ministry challenge.
WRS 525 – Worship Leadership: 3 credits
The planning and leading of public and private worship throughout the year will be the focus of this course. The distinct yet complimentary roles of the senior pastor, the worship leader and the worship team (including technicians) will be explored. The course will conclude with a series of worship services, planned and lead by the student.
WRS 540 – Developing and Leading the Worship Team: Vocalists, Instrumentalists: 3 credits
This course will explore the ministry of those making the music and operating the technical equipment of the contemporary worship service. The recruitment, preparation, and spirituality of these highly skilled individuals will be the focus of this class.
WRS 545 – The Senior Pastor—Lead Worshiper (Preaching track): 3 credits
This class will examine the challenges of the senior pastor as the Lead Worshiper of the congregation. The pastor establishes the context for the worship service and must also manage the calendar of worship. He/she must also take the lead in structuring and encouraging the private worship of the
congregation. Leadership of paid staff and volunteers will also be emphasized.
WRS 595 – Worship Practicum: 3 credits
Students will choose a ministry project directly related to his/her ministry. A supervisor will be approved by the college to work individually with the student in the preparation and presentation of the ministry project. Appropriate records of the project should be submitted to the college upon completion. For the Minister of Music this project might be a musical presentation at his/her church. For the Senior Pastor this project might be a teaching series on worship.
WRS 599 – Capstone Applied Research Project: 3 credits
With the capstone project, students will demonstrate skills acquired in the masters program which include theological reflection, methodological implementation, assessment of findings, and recommendations for ministry. The research problem should be rooted in the local church and the findings made available to The University of Valley Forge Library. The paper will be presented according to the standards of UVF requirements. A handbook will be provided with the criteria for the project.